Thursday, October 11, 2007

Hiking Boots


There are plenty of foxy guys here in Olympia. This much is true. I check out these foxy dudes at the folklife festival known as the Evergreen campus every day. One even talked to me on Tuesday at lunchtime. I was flattered...until I saw his hiking boots.

I mean, I was still kind of flattered. He was attractive. He probably had a beard. He was definitely wearing cargo pants (not okay, but could be doable.) But hiking boots!

This would not be so awful. But it is. Know why? Because it is a common occurence here in Olympia, Washington. Too many dudes wear hiking boots. Wait. Correction. Too many HOT dudes wear hiking boots. And I am pretty sure that they are not going hiking every day. And, if they are, they could take the time in between hikes to change into some better, more stylin shoes.

It is just so...OLYMPIA WASHINGTON!!!!


Email the following address if you are a hot Olympia dude and need suggestions for proper footwear. We have them.


Olympiawashington said...

"Too many dudes wear hiking boots. Wait. Correction. Too many HOT dudes wear hiking boots. And I am pretty sure that they are not going hiking every day."


Oh Oly fashion... I know it sounds bitchy but i'm not sure boots on dudes in general are okay. but the funniest part is i just can't shake the image of you making out with this really hot guy and then him having to unlace HIS HIKING BOOTS before you get into bed. HOTT!!! omg omg lol... ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!



Olympiawashington said...

ps. i love how in this picture the guy is wearing two different color socks...

robert said...
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